Getting to grips with not-for-profit governance

A governance book for NZ directors of incorporated societies

This book provides essential guidance for new and aspiring committee and board directors. Getting to Grips with Non-for-Profit Governance is the first printed NZ-specific book on governance on sale to the public for years.

The book has been published against the backdrop of the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022. Getting to Grips with Not-for-Profit Governance provides the basics you need to know as a new or aspiring director.

Endorsed by Institute of Directors NZ, Womens Refuge...

Effective oversight is critical to the success of any organisation.

Understand the essentials of governance

Being a not-for-profit (NFP) board member is rewarding and a great way to give back to the community. It’s daunting if you’re not sure what you are letting yourself in for.

Don’t have time to read a textbook or attend courses? This softcover will get you up to speed quickly on essential governance skills.

  • Getting to Grips with Not-For-Profit Governance is a slim, no-nonsense book. It gives an overview of the do’s and don’ts you need to know as a not-for-profit board or committee member:

  • Understanding governance

  • How a board should operate

  • Practical tips for board meetings

  • The basics about finances, and risk management

  • Making a positive impact

But don’t just take my word for it, check out the Book Review and Kind Words pages.

Governance at your fingertips

Reading Getting to Grips with Not-for-Profit Governance, means you quickly gain an understanding of the essentials of governance

Hit the ground running, with the essential knowledge and confidence to make a solid contribution at board or committee meetings from the word go.

“In reading this book you will get practical wisdom and insights that will assist you in your director’s journey.” — Deryck Shaw, Director and Chair, MNZM.CFIoD.

“It’s a very easy read that packs in a great deal of information and advice.”— Stelvio Vido, Non-executive Director and Chair in the NFP/for-purpose sector.

The essential guide for kiwi board members

Getting to Grips with Not-for-Profit Governance, has been is written for aspiring and new board members of not-for-profit organisations/incorporated societies.

new directors
aspiring directors
directors looking to refresh

Master the art of being a director… and feel confident about it.

Written for the NZ market

The book draws on my thirty-two years of hands-on experience with not-for-profit boards and committees as a director, committee member, trustee (credit union and school), chair, president and treasurer.

Written for new directors, aspiring directors, existing directors looking to refresh, and even new CEO’s reporting to a board the first time. The paperback discusses:

  • Why you would want to be a director

  • Oversight of the organisation’s performance

  • Responsibilities of board/committee members

  • Setting the strategic direction

  • Identifying, managing, and mitigating risk

  • Understand the health of the organisation

  • Reporting back to members

The governance book references both the Incorporated Societies Act of 1908 and the Incorporated Societies Act of 2022, with its new mandatory requirements, from October 2023.

Getting to grips with not-for-profit governance:

Getting to grips with not-for-profit governance

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A sneak preview

Like to have a look inside the book, to gain an idea of what it is you are considering ordering?

The second chapter "On becoming a director” excerpt is yours to download. Discover what happens as you begin your journey as a not-for-profit director. Make a positive contribution from the start.

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