Kind Words

Institute of Directors NZ

Extinction or a chance to renew?

A new book by Pierre Woolridge can help guide those involved in not-for-profit sector governance. There are some 45,000 NFPs in New Zealand: 24,000 incorporated societies, and 28,000 charities (7,000 of which are also incorporated societies). Woolridge draws on his personal experience to offer tips and tricks for those new to the game, or looking to refresh their skills.

Read the Institute of Directors' Article

Are you new to not-for-profit governance?

The new legislation provides a foundation for not-for-profit organisations (NFPs). But do all board or committee members of NFPs understand their obligations under the Act, and what good governance looks like? A new book by Pierre Woolridge, Getting to Grips with Not-for-Profit Governance, can help guide those involved in the sector.

Read the Institute of Directors' Article

The Institute of Directors provide a Not-for-profit governance hub on all things to do with governance in the for passion and purpose sector including: articles, courses, events, webcasts and governance services geared towards the not-for-profit sector.

The how-to guide for directors of incorporated societies

The interview on governance between author Pierre Woolridge and Brent Edwards from National Businesss Review (NBR), delves into the Getting to Grips with Not-for-Profit Governance book’s contents, exploring topics such as:

  • Why join the board/committee of an incorporated society?

  • Do your values to align with the organisation's?

  • What's the board looking for in a new director?

  • Problems with personal agendas

  • Profits are a dirty word - surplus are just fine

  • Added responsibilities with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022

  • Are boards ready for the big impact of the need to re-register their club or society?

Author Spotlight - An interview by Gaby at YourBooks

"Meet the author and brains behind ‘Getting to Grips with not-for-profit Governance’. I had the pleasure of speaking with author, Pierre Woolridge and he graciously explained to me what not-for-profit governance was and spoke about the need for a book such as this, his research, and what he thinks you should take away from reading his book."

Screenshot of Guest Blog with Pierre Woolridge

Why leadership at the board level in the Not-for-Profit sector is essential.

“With 24,000 incorporated societies registered in Aotearoa, involving an estimated half a million volunteers in governance roles, Pierre’s aim is for his book to provide those newly elected to a board or a committee to get up to speed quickly and with confidence”.

Read the guest blog: In this piece Pierre discusses why leadership is critical in the NFP sector.