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Developing a Conflict of Interest policy - re-registering as an Incorporated Society

A quick win with a conflict of interest policy

The Incorporated Societies Act 2022, requires all organisations to have a conflict of interest policy. I’m a committee member on a couple of motorbike clubs updating their constitution with a view to re-registering. We are trialing a Conflict of interest policy and its associated register. It’s a quick win, in that this can be done now, before the revamped constitution is put to members for approval. Besides, it makes good business sense as it’s basically risk management in action.

Here is a generic “three pager” entitled “Conflict of Interest policy”complete with an explanatory text as well a draft policy for your club or society to trial.

Is it any good? Only time will tell.

This is the second of the “help yourself articles” on re-registering:

1) Keeping members in the loop